Barnsley College offers FREE* Microsoft Office Specialist courses to study from home

@barnsleycollege offers FREE* Microsoft Office Specialist courses to study from home
Barnsley College is offering FREE* Microsoft Office Specialist qualifications which can be started at any time and studied at home at the student’s own pace.
The Microsoft Office Specialist certification program has been designed to validate a student’s knowledge of, and ability to use, programs in the Microsoft Office 2013 suite (Excel, Word, Outlook, PowerPoint and Access). The courses are likely to be of interest to both employers wanting to upskill their staff and individuals who want to develop their existing skills whilst they are working from home.
Students must have at least six months of experience in using their chosen Microsoft program before starting the course. The only other essential items required to study the courses are a computer installed with their chosen software package.
Helen Weatherston, Head of Business Services at Barnsley College said: “Students will already have a lot of experience of working with their chosen Microsoft program and many of the procedures covered by the course will be familiar to them. However, there are likely to be some features that they have never used or mastered before. These courses are a great way to get a comprehensive knowledge of the full functionality and potential of Microsoft Office software.”
* Courses are free. The student/employer will need to pay an exam fee.