National Skills Academy for Health champions 500 new apprentices for the healthcare sector

The National Skills Academy for Health has released a new video as part of their bid to encourage SME employers to take on more than 500 apprentices in the healthcare sector by April 2018.
Last year, the National Skills Academy for Health ran a campaign to promote the benefits of taking on apprenticeships. Their engagement resulted in over 755 young people taking up roles and many business leaders embracing the role of apprenticeship schemes within their organisations.
After last year’s success, the Academy has upped their target from 300, now encouraging employers to place more than 500 apprentices by promoting their benefits to the sector. The video champions work-based training programmes that provide apprentices with the relevant knowledge and skills to make a difference.
Kaja Karpowicz is an apprentice at Douglas Grove Surgery in Witham, Essex. She said: “In my time here, I have learnt not only skills for the workplace but also ways of working with the public. I have become much more confident talking to people as I work with patients on a day to day basis.
“I have an amazing team of people helping me and motivating me to do my best, we all work together to make the surgery run smoothly. I love working here because it’s a new experience every day; no day is the same which I think is one of the perks of working for the NHS.”
Since the Apprenticeship Levy came into play in April this year, organisations have been encouraged to improve, or start their own apprenticeship schemes to make the most of the changes. Levy payers, or organisations with a pay bill of over £3 million can access funds to pay for apprenticeships, offering young people an entry point into the workplace.
Candace Miller, Director of the National Skills Academy for Health said: “We are thrilled that through our work we were able to coach, support and encourage hundreds of organisations to take on apprentices last year. The results were so excellent that we have increased this year’s target from 300 apprentices to 510.
“An apprenticeship is such a fantastic opportunity for both the individuals and the organisations. Not only does it provide the apprentice with the knowledge and skills they need to excel and make a difference but it also gives organisations the chance to shape their own future generations of employees. We will continue to support, via our Network of employer-led Excellence Centres, as many employers, schools and colleges as possible in their efforts and we hope this new video is a catalyst to get the ball rolling.”
By engaging with employers and promoting the benefits of apprenticeships, the National Skills Academy for Health hopes to encourage small to medium sized employers in the healthcare sector to take on more apprentices and offer support through the process.