Music performance students raise money for mental health charity

First year students studying Music Performance wowed at a recent show in aid of the TONIC: Music for Mental Health.
A variety of students from within the Creative Industries department performed at a TONIC fundraiser at The Wedgewood Rooms in Southsea.
With the support of Music Lecturer Paul Loder and Performing Arts Technician Stephen Wood, students performed at the event whilst raising an incredible £1,242 for the charity.
At the heart of the success was the collaborative relationships formed by our music students and AMP Music teams in the delivery of outstanding creative provision across all levels. The show was a resounding success and provided an invaluable showcase for the excellent Music provision at HSDC South Downs.
The funds will support specific initiatives such as the Tonic Rider programme in helping many young people navigate severe and acute depression through music and social engagement projects.
Paul Loder, Music Lecturer said:
“The event went really well, and the students did great – I am extremely proud of them. So far, we have raised £1242 for Tonic. The Wedgewood Rooms were amazing too and gave us the entire venue for free in support of this charity event. It was such an awesome joint project. Well done to our exceptional music students, your performances were magnificent.”
“Massive thanks to all involved, including The Wedgewood Rooms who were amazing”