Activate Learning creates an Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Skills Hub at Reading College

Activate Learning is excited to announce the new Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Skills Hub at Reading College to upskill existing motor vehicle technicians for electric and hybrid vehicles maintenance.
The motor vehicle workshop at the college on King’s Road has been kitted out with industry-standard equipment including training rigs and one hybrid car to upskill existing motor vehicle technicians employed to handle electric and hybrid vehicles entering their workshops initially safely and subsequently upskill them through a Level 2 qualification.
Additionally, the new facilities will enable the introduction of a new full-time qualification which includes electric vehicles as a key focus and introduce electric vehicle modules into the existing motor vehicle apprenticeship standards delivered from the college. Activate Learning also aims to run Electric Vehicle appreciation sessions for local school children.
Activate Learning was awarded £130,000 by Thames Valley Berkshire LEP via the Government’s Local Growth Fund.
Over the last few months, the college has started delivering a two-day course which ensures that if a motor vehicle technician encounters accident-damaged, or broken-down electric/hybrid vehicles, they will have the necessary knowledge to work safely around the vehicle that may have had damage to its high-energy electric system.
Upon successful completion of this course, learners will gain recognised Level 2 qualification in the knowledge required to work safely around an electric/hybrid vehicle high- and low-voltage electrical system and electric drive train systems.
This course is running over various dates in April, May and June.
Scott Reilly, Director of Curriculum Design at Activate Learning, said:
“In terms of curriculum development, we can add that as sustainability is one of our key organisational and faculty drivers, preparing our students to thrive in industries that use emerging technologies and renewable energy such as Electric/Hybrid Vehicle hazard and charger installation courses put us at the heart of cultivating the best talent to meet the sector skills need.
“We are also excited because it offers an opportunity for adult learners to retrain or upskill to improve their career prospect. It is great news for the community.
“The Technology curriculum at Activate Learning is responding to local and national needs to deliver consistently outstanding technical and vocational learning at a time when our local and national communities need it most. Our learning environments are being transformed into inspiring industry-level spaces that reflect our highest professional standards and affirms our innovative and outstanding technical learning.”
Alison Webster, Chief Executive of Thames Valley Berkshire LEP, said:
“The Further Education and Training sector has a valuable role to play in the achievement of our sustainability goals, so we’re delighted to have funded the new Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Skills Hub at Reading College.
“Berkshire LEP recognises that a critical part of ensuring the UK meets the local, national and international sustainability goals is to support the provision of training to help people acquire the skills to work in a future green career.
“We are delighted to be able to support the College in and the training the next generation of auto technicians in Berkshire.”
Find out about our AWD Electric/Hybrid Vehicle Hazard Management Level 2 course at Reading College