Pride in FE – A Charter for FE & Skills

Following our hugely successful, insightful and impactful Pride in FE project, funded by the Education
& Training Foundation, Yorkshire Learning Providers are delighted to announce the launch of our
Pride in FE charter for FE & Skills providers.
Working with key stakeholders AoC and Skillsfirst we have developed a charter for providers to sign up to and show their commitment to addressing the inequalities for LGBT staff and learners and a commitment to champion the changes needed for our sector so everyone – staff or learner – can be their true authentic self without fear in work and in learning environments.

By signing the charter providers are showing their support for greater inclusion for LGBT individuals
and will work together to develop greater opportunity for staff & learners to gain further
information, advice and signposting. The charter will cover a range of themes such as a greater
commitment to ensuring more inclusive recruitment processes, visible support for LGBTQ+ learners
in learning environments, raise awareness and knowledge for all to have the confidence to challenge
poor attitudes and actions in our centres. The champions network will share focused efforts to
ensure that we are using correct language and that this is a consistent approach across full teams
not just the few.
To support this charter we also have a toolkit to aid providers in their journey to greater inclusion
and a support padlet filled with guidance, good practice, signposting and much more.
For further information and to sign up to the charter please contact Kelly.townend@alex.miles
Kelly Townend, Operations & Quality Manager, YLP said:
It is essential that we all make a dedicated commitment to greater inclusion for LGBTQ+ learners and
staff. This charter is for all organisations, regardless of where they may be on their journey for
greater LGBTQ inclusion and that’s ok as this charter is a way to focus our efforts and create a truly
inclusive culture for all staff and learners. With too many individuals feeling they have to supress who
they are we need to make a conscious effort to make sure this is not the case in our organisations