From education to employment

Animal Care learner chosen as farm ambassador!

Animal Care learner chosen as farm ambassador!

Animal lover Caitlyn Smart wasn’t sure of her next step after leaving school, but the Jobs Growth Wales + (JGW+) programme delivered by ACT, Wales’ leading training provider, is bringing her closer to her dream job! 

The 17-year-old has just been appointed as an Ambassador at Jamie’s Farm in Monmouthshire, after a trip there hugely boosted her confidence and she made a positive impression on staff. She went on to spend five nights at the farm, as part of her Level 1 Land Based Studies course with ACT.

Having grown up “surrounded by pets”, she said the JCW+ programme is “perfect” for her and her ambition to work with animals.   

JGW+ is a training and development programme specifically for 16–18-year-olds looking for the skills, qualifications, and experience to find employment.

“When I first got to Jamie’s Farm I was very nervous,” she said. “I had just started my course, so I didn’t really know anyone. I was a bit homesick, but soon I really enjoyed it and I didn’t want to go home! I think this was because of meeting new people and making new friends – plus being around animals! There were cows, pigs, horses, sheep, chickens and more!”  

Caitlyn feels the residential trip to Jamie’s Farm, which provides farming therapy experiences to help young people thrive, had a transformative effect!  

“I’m definitely more confident with speaking to people now,” she said.” I used to be very shy and didn’t want to talk to anyone. Now I’m happy to!”  

Staff at the farm were so impressed with Caitlyn’s personal growth, they selected her for the role of Ambassador. Bronny Daniel, Horse Specialist at Jamie’s Farm, said Caitlyn’s leadership skills and helpful nature made her shine in group activities. 

“Caitlyn really stood out and had such a thirst for adventure when she was here. Even though she’s composed, and in some ways quiet, she took on all the challenges in such a great way and she just loves supporting others. This is one of the qualities we look for in an Ambassador, as well as being a great leader.”  

Each Ambassador is chosen having demonstrated potential and shown exceptionalleadership skills. Jamie’s Farm runs five separate sites, including Monmouthshire, Bath and Hereford, and the young Ambassadors of each site meet regularly to share ideas.  

Bronny added: “Each Ambassador helps to plan our sessions and helps with our fundraising, as well as doing some public speaking. For those who are confident enough to take on that extra bit of challenge, it’s great for their CV.”  

Harley Clarke, Animal Care Tutor at ACT, said Caitlyn has developed greatly since starting the JGW+ programme and she’s often selected as a mentor for new learners at ACT’s Cardiff Skills Academy, on Hadfield Road. 

She explained: “During her five-night stay at Jamie’s Farm, Caitlyn made new lifelong friends, developed her confidence and knew that working with animals was what she wanted to do. No matter the task, Caitlin will give it her best and is often chosen as the mentor for new learners in centre.” 

She added: “Caitlin is not only a great learner, she’s an outstanding young person, who is kind, caring and is a pleasure to teach.” 

As part of her course, Caitlyn has also been working at Walnut Tree Farm Park, outside Newport, where she answers customer questions about the farm’s many horses, cows, sheep and even alpacas. 

She said: “When they ask me a question and I can tell them the right answer, I actually feel really good about myself, as I know what I’m talking about!  

Caitlyn thoroughly recommends ACT and the JGW+ programme to anyone who is unsure of their options after school, especially if they’re interested in animals. 

“Young people should definitely try JCW+ programme, especially if they like working with animals. It will help you become more confident with others, as you have to work in a group. Before the course I was very shy and didn’t really want to talk to anyone, but now I’m a lot more confident with speaking to all different people!” 

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