Apply to become an academy

Application processes for mainstream and special schools applying to convert to academy status.
Special school application to convert to academy status
MS Word Document, 111KB
Special school application to convert to academy status
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To start the process of converting your mainstream primary or secondary school to academy status, please use the apply to become an academy service.
If you’ve already started an application, using either the previous online form, or a downloadable form, to convert your mainstream primary or secondary school to academy status, you have until 14 August 2020 to submit your application.
After 14 August 2020, we’ll only accept applications for mainstream schools via the apply to become an academy service.
Special schools converting to academy status can use the forms on this page to apply. Special schools are schools for children with special educational needs.
Sixth-form colleges considering converting to 16 to 19 academies can access advice and an application form.
Read more guidance on the process for converting to academy status.
Published 18 September 2013
Last updated 22 June 2020 + show all updates
Added a link to the new digital ‘apply to become an academy’ service, and information about what to do if you’ve already started an application using a downloaded form or via the previous online application process.
Uploaded new application form which allows more than 1 school to apply to form a multi-academy trust on the same form.
Updated application forms to explain that DfE expects most new academies to join or form a multi-academy trust.
Added link to advice and an application form for sixth-form colleges considering becoming a 16 to 19 academy.
Updated academy conversion forms to make it clear that federation schools applying for academy status must follow relevant regulations. Also removed references to umbrella trusts to reflect policy changes.
Updated ‘Primary school academy conversion’ and ‘Secondary school academy conversion’ documents to reflect the addition of email addresses.
Updated primary and secondary school ‘application to convert to academy status’ forms.
Added link to online application form for schools wishing to convert to academy status
Updated email address on ‘Primary school application to convert to academy status’ form.
First published.