From education to employment

Commitment to Quality Recognised for Learning Hub at Warwick

Prior to its launch at the World of Learning Conference & Exhibition in November, the British Learning Association’s (BLA’s) Quality Mark has received a welcome recognition as the National Grid Transco has signed up for this quality statement.

The BLA is a centre of expertise that promotes the sharing of examples of best practices, identifies trends and disseminates information on both innovative and well-established techniques and technologies for learning, with the aim of sharing existing knowledge whilst moving towards original solutions and disseminating this to as broad a sector membership as possible.

To carry on this task, the BLA’s Quality Mark is designed specifically for the learning sector and provides a means for organisations to align their learning activities with customer and organisational demands. It establishes a common set of quality indicators for all aspects of learning materials production, delivery and use to give confidence to purchasers and learners.

Talking About Quality

When discussing the actual project and the impact of the Quality Mark from the organisation’s perspective, Pam Mosedale, Lead Business Partner – Transmission at National Grid, said: “National Grids Learning Hub at Warwick provides a learning and information service across the UK business. Quality is a key performance measure. We need to ensure the services we provide are aligned to the business and individual needs. The BLA Quality Mark is an excellent way of recognising our commitment to quality and continuously improving the services we provide to the business.”

BLA believe that the particular foundations of the Quality Mark make it “a robust, objective and internationally recognised model of excellence”. Chair of the BLA Quality Forum, Lance Spraggons, commented “Having been involved in the Quality Mark since the beginning in 1995 and more recently in the development of the new Quality Mark, I honestly believe that the BLA has a unique and superior quality scheme.”

He went on to highlight the unique opportunities that this Quality Mark bring to the organisation, saying: “It is unique in that unlike other quality processes this one has been developed by leading learning practitioners solely for the learning community, and superior because of the nature in which it is achieved; self-assessment; onsite support and verification from a BLA trained and approved Quality Mark practitioner; and an independent Quality Forum that oversees the Quality Mark. This coupled with a range of Quality Mark holder benefits makes this an unrivalled product.”

Jethro Marsh

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