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Tell Us at FE News your FE Wish List for 2006!

What a year it has been for the sector! Conferences galore and policy statements, reviews, campaigns, funding debates, strikes, speeches, applause, dinners, awards”¦I could go on but I need to gasp for air first!

The year of 2005 has certainly been an active one, with more interest in Further Education than ever. The Chancellor and the Prime Minister have both expressed their esteem for FE, and they have both stated that they know just how vitally important it will be in the future as well. The Foster Review on Further Education, much anticipated, spoke of skills for the future, success in the global economy, and the position of FE at the heart of change and development.

Then there was the continuing funding battle, both for equal pay for lecturers in FE colleges exemplified by the strikes organised by NATFHE, the University and College Lecturers” Union, and the battle for fair funding of FE as a whole, led by the Association of Colleges (AoC). There was also the debate over the merger of the inspectorates within FE, which would see the Adult Learning Inspectorate become part of Ofsted.

2006, an FE Odyssey?

And what of the year ahead? What will the review organised by the Treasury and headed by Sir Sandy Leitch find would be the necessary skills for the economy in the year 2020? Is this to be the review that creates a “joined up” approach for education and skills? Will it, as expected, echo the position of Sir Andrew Foster? What changes will this mean for FE in the future?

In a bid to cut the administrative burden of FE, the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) announced their Agenda for Change, part of which involves cutting 1,300 jobs. What will 2006 bring? Where will the jobs be lost? What will the next LSC funding statement say ““ will the cut in Adult Learning Provision be repeated? What effect will Ken Livingstone’s bid to control skills in London have ““ will he succeed?

This is not all that has happened in 2005; nor is this all that lies ahead for 2006! We at FE News would love to hear from you. Tell us what you remember from FE’s 2005; did you laugh, did you cry, did you scream? What about 2006? What do you fear will come? What do you hope FE Santa will bring?

2006 will surely be another rollercoaster journey. And if you want to stay up ““ to ““ date on the latest breaking news and views from Further Education, be smart; take FE News along for the ride!

Tell us your 2005 memories and 2006 hopes in the FE Blog

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