The new quality kite mark will highlight excellence amongst training providers
Training providers and employers have combined forces to launch the Training Quality Standard, which will highlight and recognise excellence among training providers. The innovative new approach is designed and endorsed by employers, and aims to provide industry with a simple benchmark for choosing training provision. Achieving the standard sets the provider apart from the competition, and clearly demonstrates its ability to offer high quality training at a time and place to suit employers.
During the formal launch of the Training Quality Standard on Thursday, 31 new providers, including Lewisham College and NEAT Training Trust, were congratulated for achieving the standard. Lewisham College was keen to be among the first to apply for the assessment as it felt it offered something the training industry has long needed to identify good provision.
The Director of Business Development at Lewisham College, Mark Cook, said: “The focus on impacts and outcomes, as well as structures and processes, meant that by testing ourselves against it, we could identify areas of good practice, as well as areas for improvement.”
David Lammy, Skills minister, said: “I am delighted to congratulate the providers who have achieved the Training Quality Standard. Training is at the heart of any successful enterprise and by bringing training providers and employers together to deliver economically valuable skills and qualifications we will make high quality training accessible for all. The Training Quality Standard will be a mark that employers can trust and I hope many more providers will, in time, go on to achieve it.”
The Director of Skills for Employers at LSC, Jaine Clarke, said: “Crucial to increasing employer investment in the skills of their workforce is the ability to identify and select training providers who can deliver high quality, flexible and responsive provision that is directly relevant and addresses the skills gaps in their business – the Training Quality Standard will take the guesswork and the pain out of the process for employers.
“I hope the achievement of these employers and training providers motivates others to follow suit and work towards achieving the Training Quality Standard.”
Uniquely, the Training Quality Standard is open to both privately and publicly funded organisations providing solutions for workforce training on all levels. This includes Apprenticeships, Higher Education and Train to Gain as well as bespoke and non-accredited learning. To date, over 70 providers have started its application process.