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Weekly Ofsted round-up

This week: A variety of provision from Hampshire and Devon

Peter Symonds College, Winchester
Summary of grades awarded
Effectiveness of provision       Outstanding: Grade 1
Capacity to improve               Outstanding: Grade 1
Achievement and standards    Outstanding: Grade 1
Quality of provision                Outstanding: Grade 1
Leadership and management Outstanding: Grade 1
Equality of opportunity           Outstanding: Contributory Grade 1
Peter Symonds College is a sixth form college, with boarding facilities, that attracts students from Winchester, Southampton and parts of Wiltshire. In 2006/07 the college had 2,832 students aged 16 to 18 and 1,721 adult learners, most of whom were part-time. Adult provision is largely based at a separate adult community education centre away from the main site.
The college’s report stated that, “overall effectiveness is outstanding.” The self-assessment report was found to be precise and accurate, leading Ofsted to agree with the college’s findings, for example, that achievement and standards were outstanding. Ofsted reported that: “Success rates at level 3… are consistently well above the high national average for sixth form colleges.” Progression, retention and standards of work were all found to be very good.
A “significant proportion” of teaching was judged to be outstanding. Inspectors said that the teachers were, “highly qualified, enthusiastic and confident,” and that they, “prepare well and ensure their students are clear about the purpose of individual lessons.” Guidance and support and the use of subject workshops were highlighted as some of the college’s key strengths. The only area for improvement listed focused on making target-setting more consistent.
Leadership and management were graded as outstanding, with communication and quality assurance procedures seen as highly effective, and resources, staff development and equality of opportunity all thought to be very good.
Itchen College, Southampton
Summary of grades awarded:
Effectiveness of provision       Good: Grade 2
Capacity to improve               Good: Grade 2
Achievement and standards    Satisfactory: Grade 3
Quality of provision                Good: Grade 2
Leadership and management Good: Grade 2
Equality of opportunity           Outstanding: Contributory Grade 1
Itchen College is a comprehensive sixth form college that offers courses in 11 of the 15 sector subject areas, as well as a range of vocational courses and GCSEs. Vocational and academic courses can be combined if the students so wish. In November 2007, there were 1,823 students aged 16 to 18 enrolled at the college.
Ofsted described Itchen College as a good college that has been improving over the last three years, and has a good capacity to continue doing so. Success rates for Train to Gain learners and school students aged 14 to 16 were judged to be good, but achievement and standards were generally graded as satisfactory. While the report noted that overall success rates had improved over the last three years, it suggested that this should remain an area for improvement, along with improving attendance and progression in some areas.
Teaching and learning were graded as good and comments from inspectors said that, “teaching is well planned,” and, “most teachers are particularly good at checking how well students are learning.” Key strengths that were highlighted included many dynamic lessons, a good range of provision and good use of information and learning technologies.
Leadership and management were graded as good, though certain areas, such as equality of opportunity, social and educational inclusion and the promotion of health and well-being, were described as outstanding. Making better use of feedback to help students improve was the main area for improvement. Effective staff development, rigorous quality assurance and good partnerships were noted as strengths for the college.
Babcock Marine, Plymouth
Summary of grades awarded:
Effectiveness of provision       Good: Grade 2
Capacity to improve               Good: Grade 2
Achievement and standards    Good: Grade 2
Quality of provision                Good: Grade 2
Leadership and management Good: Grade 2
Equality of opportunity           Contributory grade: Good: Grade 2
Sector subject area:
Engineering and manufacturing technologies            Good: Grade 2
Babcock Marine (BM) is the organisation that, since July 2007, owns and runs the Devonport Royal Dockyard in Plymouth, as well as several other dockyard facilities. Most of the company’s work involves repairing and refitting Royal Navy ships and submarines for the Ministry of Defence, though they also build and modify some lifeboats and yachts. BM has 123 advanced apprentices following engineering courses funded by Devon and Cornwall LSC.
Ofsted found the effectiveness of provision for BM to be good. Achievement and standards were good and, apart from a slight decline in 2006/07, overall success rates had been improving over the last three years to well above the national average. The report said that learners showed confidence and a good standard of vocational skills.
The training programme was identified as a key strength, though inspectors did state that some lessons involved, “too much copying of notes from the board,” which made them, “dull and undemanding.” They felt that support for the apprentices was particularly good because staff had a strong commitment to helping the learners. The work placements were described as “varied and interesting”. Ofsted suggested an area for improvement would be increasing the focus on the apprenticeship framework during progress reviews.
Leadership and management were graded as good with the only one main criticism directed towards incomplete quality improvement arrangements. Otherwise, inspectors thought that strategic planning was “well conceived” and partnerships within the community were good. They were pleased with the promotion of equality and the promotion of health and safety was outstanding.
Puffins Training Ltd, Exeter
Summary of grades awarded:
Effectiveness of provision       Good: Grade 2
Capacity to improve               Good: Grade 2
Achievement and standards    Good: Grade 2
Quality of provision                Good: Grade 2
Leadership and management Good: Grade 2
Equality of opportunity           Contributory grade: Good: Grade 2
Sector subject area:
Early years and playwork       Good: 2
Established in 2003, Puffin Training Limited (PTL) is a private company that provides training for early years and healthcare learners in the Exeter and Torbay area. There are currently 36 apprentices and 31 advanced apprentices undertaking work-based learning at one of two training centres in Exeter or Torbay. PTL also offers additional qualifications.
PTL received a good report from Ofsted with more strengths noted than weaknesses. Success rates for apprentices were found to be good and achievements showed an improving trend in recent years. Ofsted’s only criticism related to this area where they felt that there was, “slow progress towards framework achievement by advanced apprentices.” Current apprentices were seen to be making good progress.
Training was graded as good and highlighted as a strength, which agreed with the provider’s self-assessment. The report said that tutors, “use a range of teaching methods that stimulate learners well,” and that learners, “are eager to share their ideas and work well together during activities.” Assessment was deemed satisfactory, while support for learners was thought to be “particularly good”.
Inspectors agreed with the self-assessment that provision was managed very well. Other key strengths recorded included very good support for continuing professional development, good emphasis on equality and diversity and good communication.
Paul Malbon

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