Non-exam assessment
We have allowed for a range of adjustments to the non-exam assessment arrangements to accommodate public health restrictions in GCSE dance, design and technology, drama (and theatre), film studies, food preparation and nutrition, media studies, music, music technology, and physical education (PE).
Practical work
Centres have been able to deliver practical work in GCSE biology, chemistry, physics, combined science, geology, and astronomy, AS level biology, chemistry, physics, and geology, and AS and A level environmental science by demonstration. We encouraged centres to continue to make available hands-on practical activities for their students wherever possible. The exams in these subjects, however, will remain unchanged.
For A levels in biology, chemistry, physics and geology, centres have been allowed to assess the Common Practical Assessment Criteria (CPAC) across the minimum number of practical activities required to enable students to demonstrate their competence.
Exam boards can carry out remote monitoring of centres’ application of the CPAC.
Students are not required to undertake fieldwork on a mandated number of occasions or days outside of school or college premises in GCSE, AS and A level geography and geology, and AS and A level environmental science. However, fieldwork is an important feature of these qualifications, and we encouraged centres to engage fieldwork activities wherever possible. Students undertaking GCSE and AS qualifications in geography will not have to answer exam questions on their own fieldwork experiences.
How GCSEs, AS and A levels will be assessed in 2022. How GCSEs, AS and A levels will be assessed in 2022. Feedzy Read More