English and maths requirements in apprenticeship standards at level 2 and above

The current and prior qualifications accepted as meeting the minimum English and maths requirements for apprenticeships at level 2 and above.
Apprenticeship standards: list of acceptable current and prior qualifications for English and maths requirements in apprenticeship standards at level 2 and above
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The Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) funds apprentices to achieve qualifications in English or maths (or both), if they do not already meet the minimum requirements for certification.
This spreadsheet lists those current and prior qualifications accepted as meeting the minimum English and maths requirements for apprenticeships at level 2 and above.
Published 4 May 2020
Last updated 18 December 2020 + show all updates
We have updated the list of acceptable qualifications for English and maths requirements in apprenticeship standards.
We have updated the list of acceptable qualifications for English and maths requirements in apprenticeship standards.
First published.