Functional Skills qualifications conditions, requirements and guidance updated

Ofqual publishes changes due to the extension of legacy English and mathematics Functional Skills qualifications.
We have today (22 April 2021) published a small update to the following conditions, requirements and guidance for English and mathematics Functional Skills qualifications documents:
- Functional Skills English conditions and requirements
- Functional Skills English guidance
- Functional Skills mathematics conditions and requirements
- Functional Skills mathematics guidance
The changes give effect to the Secretary of State’s decision to extend the end date for continuing learners on the legacy Functional Skills qualifications until 31 July 2021.
In December 2020 we consulted with awarding organisations offering the legacy qualifications on the proposed minor changes to our conditions and guidance. We did not receive any objections to our proposals, and we have therefore implemented the changes to our conditions to extend the regulation end dates for the legacy qualifications.
We have written to awarding organisations that offer the legacy qualifications separately to inform them of our decisions.
Published 22 April 2021