ICT and digital qualifications with removed funding approval

The digital and ICT qualifications at entry level and level 1 that the Education and Skills Funding Agency will stop funding from 1 August 2021.
ICT and digital qualifications with removed funding approval from 1 August 2021
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We have published the list of digital and ICT qualifications that will have removed funding approval from 1 August 2021.
- from 1 August 2021, we will remove funding approval for students aged 16 and over from all qualifications up to and including level 1 in the sector subject area (SSA) ICT for Users, except for EDSQs
- from 1 August 2021, we will remove funding approval for students aged 16 and over from ICT or digital skills qualifications in other SSAs that are not linked to the application of digital skills for a specific occupational sector, or specific entry level job role
- from 1 August 2022, we will remove funding approval for students aged 16 and over from all existing ICT Functional Skills Qualifications (FSQs) up to and including level 1
Awarding organisations can ask us to consider retaining funding approval for a qualification on the list if it is: not in the SSA ICT for Users; is not an FSQ; and is linked to a specific occupational sector or entry level job role.
You can find more information on why we are removing funding approval from these qualifications on GOV.UK.
Published 3 December 2020