From education to employment

Knowledge test



K1: Mathematics: the mathematical techniques and methods required to model mechanical and electrical systems: algebra, calculus, geometry, trigonometry, statistics. Back to Duty

K2: Engineering design: the creative design process including defining the problem, creating ideas and testing the solution using tools to support the process such as root cause analysis; requirements definition; research and development; solution generation, prototyping; simulation; benchmarking and testing. Back to Duty

K3: Systems design: the system lifecycle from concept to disposal; requirements validation and verification; architecture definition, sub-system design and testing; integration; design for supportability/maintainability; functional safety, cyber vulnerability and secure data handling. Back to Duty

K4: Mechanics: the fundamental laws of static and dynamic classical mechanics and their application to mechanical systems: force and moment systems, free body diagrams, equilibrium, friction, beam theory, hydrostatics, kinematics, Work-Energy and Impulse-Momentum methods, vector algebra, scalar and graphical approaches. Back to Duty

K5: Structures: analysis and modelling for the determination of the effects of loads on physical structures, mechanisms, and their associated components: static and fatigue stress, structural failure modes, safe-life and fail-safe design, Finite Element Analysis. Back to Duty

K6: Materials: the main classes of engineering materials and their associated mechanical, electrical and environmental properties. How to select appropriate materials to achieve manufacturing and design goals. Thermal treatments and coatings. How to use software to model material properties and behaviour, analysis of experimental results. Avoidance, use and disposal of harmful materials according to appropriate environmental regulations. Back to Duty

K7: Thermodynamics: core thermodynamic concepts, system types and the application to engineering systems: basic power cycles and their thermodynamic analysis (steam, gas turbine and reciprocating internal combustion engine), modern power plants (including refrigeration and heat pump plant). Back to Duty

K8: Electrical and electronic engineering: theory and design of equipment and systems which use electricity and electromagnetism, and the fundamental laws and theorems that govern electronic circuits:function of common digital and analogue electronic devices, passive circuit behaviour, modelling circuits, active electronic components, transformers, AC/DC, power electronics, motors and drives. Back to Duty

K9: Control & instrumentation: theoretical and practical aspects of analogue and digital control system design and tuning to meet performance objectives: transducer systems and operation; measurement applications and error; principles of closed loop control systems and feedback strategies; block diagrams, root-loci, Bode diagrams, Nyquist plots; methodologies of classical control with applications to Electrical, Mechanical and Mechatronics systems. Back to Duty

K10: Digital and embedded systems: embedded systems and their development, number systems, Boolean algebra, logic gates, logic expressions, combinational logic, A/D and D/A converters, computer/microcomputer systems and architectures. Back to Duty

K11: Sensors, actuators and mechanisms: Linear mechanisms (springs, levers, links, pulleys), rotational mechanisms (universal joints, gears and cams), energy storage and controlled release mechanisms. Sensor types, transfer and environmental characteristics, sensor signal conditioning and processing, digital data acquisition, sensor integration into embedded systems, transmission and receipt of sensor data. Back to Duty

K12: Structured software, coding and automation: how to create and use computer programming applied to engineering systems, including real-time applications and automated control. Data handling considerations (including data protection and encryption), data analytics and introduction to machine learning. Back to Duty

K13: Manufacturing: the considerations when turning raw materials into a finished product in the most efficient way possible: common methods and models for the manufacturing process, design for manufacture, production drawings, quality control. Back to Duty

K14: Project management: project planning, management of risks, commercial awareness (costs, overheads, gross margin, net margin, profit, cash), resourcing and quality assurance. Back to Duty

K15: Safety requirements: statutory, organisational and environmental. Back to Duty

K16: Computer-aided design: 2D and 3D CAD using software packages. Back to Duty

K17: Fluid dynamics: different fluid flow types and the application to turbo machinery and hydraulics: laminar and turbulent flow, boundary conditions, drag and friction, compressible flow. Back to Duty


S1: Communicate technical information with others at all levels, including technical reports and the use of digital tools. Back to Duty

S2: Follow a methodical approach to engineering problem solving. Back to Duty

S3: Establish and report engineering design briefs. Back to Duty

S4: Produce mechanical and electrical designs / drawings / sketches using Computer Aided Design (CAD) and manual systems. Back to Duty

S5: Model real-world mechanical systems efficiently. Back to Duty

S6: Select the design solution for a given electro-mechanical engineering application and environment using data to inform their decisions. Back to Duty

S7: Integrate electrical and mechanical engineering systems, considering new and emerging technologies. Back to Duty

S8: Use appropriate equipment to develop and execute test plans to support electro-mechanical product validation and approval. Back to Duty

S9: Design functional electronic systems and circuits from component level. Back to Duty

S10: Write and document structured programming code for electro-mechanical systems. Back to Duty

S11: Fabricate engineering components and assemblies using specialist manufacturing methods and hand fitting techniques. Back to Duty

S12: Assemble, wire, program and test electrical equipment, motors and control systems. Back to Duty

S13: Plan, manage and lead engineering projects. Back to Duty

S14: Perform risk management for engineering activities. Back to Duty

S15: Comply with statutory and organisational safety requirements. Back to Duty


B1: Hold paramount the health and safety of themselves and others, and model health and safety conscious behaviour. Back to Duty

B2: Self-motivated, work independently and take responsibility for their actions. Set themselves challenging personal targets and make own decisions. Back to Duty

B3: Communicate confidently to create and maintain working relationships. Be respectful. Back to Duty

B4: Work collaboratively as a team player. Able to work effectively within a team and interact with / help others when required. Back to Duty

B5: Prioritise quality. Follow rules, procedures and principles in ensuring work completed is fit for purpose, and pay attention to detail / error checks throughout activities. Back to Duty

B6: Adjust to different conditions, technologies, situations and environments and to new and emerging technologies. Back to Duty

B7: Exercise responsibilities in an ethical manner, with openness, fairness and honesty. Back to Duty

B8: Respect the environment and the public good. Consider sustainability and the adverse effects of projects and tasks on the wider world, in the short and longer term. Back to Duty

B9: Commit to personal learning and professional development. Back to Duty

B10: Commit to professional standards (or codes of conduct) of their employer and the wider industry. Back to Duty

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