Output Specification: school-specific brief and annexes

Guidance documents to help with the design and construction of school building projects.
School-specific brief template (mainstream schools)
MS Word Document, 114KB
School-specific brief template (special schools and alternative provision)
MS Word Document, 115KB
MMC1 school-specific brief template (mainstream schools): Off-site schools framework
MS Word Document, 122KB
MMC1 school-specific brief template (special schools and alternative provision): Off-site schools framework
MS Word Document, 126KB
Annex SS1: Schedule of Accommodation (SoA) and Area Data Sheet (ADS) template for any school
XLSM, 3.88MB
Annex SS2: Refurbishment scope of works template
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 102KB
Annex SS3: Legacy equipment schedule (primary)
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 60.9KB
Annex SS3: Legacy equipment schedule (secondary)
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 52.7KB
Annex SS4: Legacy furniture schedule (primary)
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 125KB
Annex SS4: Legacy furniture schedule (secondary)
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 132KB
Annex SS5: School-specific ICT equipment template
MS Word Document, 127KB
Guidance for people involved in school building projects. This includes:
- contractors
- technical professionals
- school providers
- local authorities
- dioceses
The Output Specification documents consist of the generic design brief and school-specific brief. They form parts B and C of the employer’s requirements for DfE projects procured through the Construction Framework 2017.
You can also read the ESFA Construction Framework Templates for part A of the employer’s requirements.
For further information please contact: [email protected]
Published 11 June 2019
Last updated 30 November 2020 + show all updates
Updated ‘Annex SS1: Schedule of Accommodation (SoA) and Area Data Sheet (ADS) template’.
Updated ‘School-specific brief template (mainstream schools)’ and ‘School-specific brief template (special schools and alternative provision)’. Added MMC1 school specific brief templates for off-site school frameworks.
First published.