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ESFA announce qualifications that will no longer be funded after August 2020, as part of the review of post-16 qualifications at level 3

Pre-existing qualifications with removed funding approval 

The pre-existing qualifications in the 16 to 18 performance tables that the Education and Skills Funding Agency will stop funding from 1 August 2020.


Pre-existing qualifications with removed funding approval from 1 August 2020

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2019 to 2020 student transfer process for existing qualifications



We have published a list of qualifications that we will stop funding from 1 August 2020, as part of the review of post-16 qualifications at level 3 and below in England.

We will remove funding approval from these pre-existing qualifications in the 16 to 18 performance tables, that are running in parallel with newer redeveloped qualifications.

The list sets out which funding streams will be affected, and how the pre-existing qualifications map to redeveloped qualifications.

We have also published guidance for providers of education and training that sets out the student transfer process for pre-existing qualifications. Providers of education and training can use this process for students who begin a large qualification that we will stop funding for new starts from 1 August 2020, and who want to transfer to a smaller qualification ‘nested’ within the larger qualification.

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