Ready reckoners and transition matrices for key stage 4
Ready reckoners to calculate progress scores for pupils and schools, and transition matrices of GCSE subject grades by prior attainment.
Progress 8 pupil ready reckoner 2019 (revised)
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Progress 8 school ready reckoner 2019 (revised)
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 323KB
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EBacc pupil ready reckoner 2019 (revised)
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 149KB
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EBacc school ready reckoner 2019 (revised)
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 358KB
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Key stage 2 to 4 transition matrices 2019 (revised)
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 1.17MB
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Key stage 2 to 4 transition matrices 2019 (revised)
ODS, 817KB
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Progress 8 pupil ready reckoner 2018
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 348KB
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Progress 8 school ready reckoner 2018
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EBacc pupil ready reckoner 2018
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EBacc school ready reckoner 2018
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Key stage 2 to 4 transition matrices by gender 2018 (revised)
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 1.25MB
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Key stage 2 to 4 transition matrices by gender 2018 (revised)
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Key stage 2 to 4 transition matrices by disadvantage 2018
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 3.09MB
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Key stage 2 to 4 transition matrices by disadvantage 2018
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Key stage 2 to 4 transition matrices by EAL 2018
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 3.03MB
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Key stage 2 to 4 transition matrices by EAL 2018
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Key stage 2 to 4 transition matrices by SEN 2018
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 3.04MB
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Key stage 2 to 4 transition matrices by SEN 2018
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These ready reckoners and transition matrices apply to 2018 and 2019 key stage 4 revised data.
Ready reckoners
The pupil Progress 8 ready reckoner calculates the Progress 8 score for an individual pupil.
The school Progress 8 ready reckoner shows how we calculate your school’s Progress 8 score from individual pupil Progress 8 scores.
The English Baccalaureate (EBacc) pupil ready reckoner calculates value-added (VA) scores for EBacc subjects (science, humanities and languages) for an individual pupil.
The EBacc school ready reckoner shows how we calculate your school’s VA scores for EBacc subjects from individual pupil VA scores.
The Progress 8 measure is a secondary school accountability system that aims to encourage schools to teach a broad curriculum. It measures pupils’ progress across 8 subjects from age 11 to 16.
Transition matrices
The transition matrices explore the national distribution of GCSE grades in each subject, and attainment in headline indicators for all pupils with the same key stage 2 prior attainment.
Results for pupils by gender, disadvantage, special educational needs (SEN) and English as an additional language (EAL) are all available in one file.
Published 30 January 2018
Last updated 6 February 2020 + show all updates
Updated existing tools with the revised 2019 data.
‘Key stage 2 to 4 transition matrices 2019 (provisional)’ updated with a change to the English as an additional language breakdowns.
Added 2019 ready reckoners and transition matrices.
Added 2018 ready reckoners, revised 2018 key stage 2 to 4 transition matrices by gender, and 2018 key stage 2 to 4 transition matrices by disadvantage, special educational needs (SEN) and English as an additional language (EAL).
Replaced ‘Key stage 2 to 4 transition matrices by gender 2017 (revised)’ with an updated version.
First published.