Remote education webinars

How to access school-led webinars on remote education to help share good practice.
This guidance is part of remote education practice for schools during coronavirus (COVID-19). The Department for Education (DfE) has been working with schools to develop this series, based on the current experiences and practices of teachers and school leaders.
The DfE is offering several school-led webinars on remote education to help share good practice. This is to support schools that are looking for help to improve the quality of their remote provision in line with the expectations set out in the guidance for full opening.
EdTech Demonstrator webinars
The EdTech Demonstrator programme is a peer-support network of schools and colleges that was launched in April 2020. It offers advice, support and guidance on ways technology can be effectively embedded to support remote teaching during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and beyond.
Schools and colleges can access existing EdTech webinars from the EdTech Demonstrator website. Or you can sign up for bespoke 1:1 support from a demonstrator school or college.
Schools and colleges new to digital platforms, such as Microsoft Office 365 or G-Suite for Education, are advised to apply for 1:1 support.
New webinars for school leaders
School leaders share what has worked for them in setting up their schools to deliver remote education, with questions from the audience.
These webinars took place live on 30 September and 1 October 2020. You can watch the recordings on the DfE YouTube channel.
- Remote education for primary school leaders – United Learning
- Remote education for secondary school leaders – United Learning
New webinars for teachers
Teachers share what has worked for them when teaching remotely, with questions from the audience. These webinars explore remote teaching strategies and techniques using examples from science lessons (primary) and music and modern foreign languages lessons (secondary).
These webinars took place live on 6 and 8 October 2020. You can watch the recordings on the DfE YouTube channel.
- Remote education for primary school teachers – United Learning
- Remote education for secondary school teachers – United Learning
New webinars for middle leaders
Ark English Mastery will be hosting a webinar on making the curriculum work remotely for curriculum and subject leaders. It will focus on some of the difficult decisions they have had to make this year to maintain curriculum integrity.
The same webinar will take place twice. You can register to attend via Zoom on:
A recording will be available after the event on the DfE YouTube channel.
Case study
You can also read a case study from Ark Schools about their experiences of curriculum sequencing in primary and secondary schools following coronavirus (COVID-19).
The links on this page give you access to webinars on a third party website that have been produced and are managed and provided by the third party. You are licensed to view, download or upload the webinars and share them with members of your own or any associated organisation but you may not reproduce them for commercial purposes.
The DfE is not legally responsible for any loss or damage that may come from any use or misuse of third party websites or resources or any other websites they link to however it arises, except as required by law.
Published 25 September 2020
Last updated 18 December 2020 + show all updates
Added link to case study about curriculum sequencing for primary and secondary.
Updated ‘New webinars for middle leaders’ with additional webinar date.
Added information to ‘New webinars for middle leaders’.
Added links to new webinars for teachers.
Added links to primary and secondary webinars for school leaders and teachers.
New dates for webinars for teachers added.
First published.