From education to employment

Which pupils to include

Some pupils may legitimately appear on the AP census and the schools census. For example, where their main source of education could be in AP, but they could also be registered at a maintained school that has not arranged the AP.

In this case, the local authority is taking responsibility for the pupil’s education and to reflect this, the pupil will be recorded on the AP census. The pupil is, however, registered at the school and so to avoid double counting, such pupils should also be recorded at the mainstream school or PRU (including AP academy or AP free school) as having a registration status of ‘S’ – current subsidiary (dual registration). The pupil will be funded through the dedicated schools grant by way of the high needs block and not the school census registration.

Importantly, those pupils registered at a maintained school where the school is responsible for the pupil’s education and as part of this has arranged some alternative provision, for example, home tuition or attending a FE college, should not be included in the AP return.

They should only be recorded on the school census, with a registration status of ‘C’ – current (single registration at this school).

Record pupils as ‘S’ current subsidiary (dual registration) if they are mainly educated at an AP school but are also registered at a maintained school (this includes PRUs, AP academies or AP free schools). This will avoid double counting.

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