21CC Group spearheads landmark lighting project at Granton Gasholder: an opportunity for students across Scotland to turn theory into reality

Leading Scottish based events company, @21CC_Group has recently unveiled the output of months of planning, with a new project delivered in partnership with @Edinburgh_CC and @edinburghcoll.
The creative lighting design company were appointed to transform the iconic gasholder tower into one of Scotland’s biggest works of art, while providing opportunities for students at Edinburgh College – a major academic institution in Scotland – to work on a live creative project.
Commenting on the success and long-term objectives of the installation, Geoff Crow, Director of 21CC Group comments, “We are immensely proud to have been appointed for this project, and of the results achieved by our technical production company, 21CC Productions. For us, it’s about giving Edinburgh a new landmark and students hands-on experience with cutting edge equipment, that will enable them to leave school, college or university with the practical skills and head start in some of the key sectors for industry growth across Scotland.
“Over the course of the next 2 years, we are also planning to work alongside Edinburgh College to further support the students with their practical experience on the ground, introducing them to some of the newest technology available and creating a platform for them to learn more about its practical application.”
Through providing students at the college with direct access to this equipment, it is hoped that the innovative lighting project will support the enablement of skills and create an opportunity for students to turn theory into reality across key industry sectors including theatre, media, marketing, lighting design, sound production.
Lead lighting designer on the project and former pupil of Edinburgh College, Neill Fleming Lighting Technician for 21CC Group comments, “As a former student of Edinburgh College myself, who has moved into a permanent role within the industry, I am so aware of the importance of real-life experience in creating true understanding and passion for the industry. This is an opportunity like no other, and our installation will enable existing students the opportunity to work alongside a leading team of professionals.”
The spectacular launch – including Edinburgh Castle-style chases around the structure – showcased the brand-new lighting displays at Granton Gasholder in all its glory. The tower has been an important fixture of Edinburgh’s Waterfront for over a century, and the launch itself marked the beginning of a vital regeneration project undertaken by The City of Edinburgh Council, with the display proudly illuminating the skyline for a period of up to two years.
Geoff Crow, Director of 21CC Group concludes, “In a year where the event industry as a whole suffered greatly due the significant economic and social impact of Covid, this collaboration is significant on so many different levels, and a true symbol of hope at such a critical time. We are really looking forward to supporting the college further by taking some of these students and working to immerse them in some of our larger events later on in the year too.”
Image Credit: Fabio Scalici Photography