6 Ways to Better Employee Knowledge Retention

Training is crucial for the development of employees. Even though an employee is not required to finish ongoing education for certification purposes, you still give training and education in different areas of business. Although, the challenging factor is two-fold.
With lessonly you not only make sure that each employee gets the opportunity of training they deserve, but they should retain knowledge they gained.
1. Knowledge retention
A person’s ability to remember, apply, and access the knowledge that they gained in the training program via in person classes or LMS is what is said to be knowledge retention.
On the outside it would appear like any other usual training or education program that is helping the employees in career development and retaining as much information as possible.
That is not the reality, in some cases, did you know in-person training often results in around 10% knowledge retention?
Which is pretty atrocious. Right? But, what can you do about it?
2. Move to eLearning
Maybe the only most crucial thing to do to boost knowledge retention is to move from traditional in-person training methods to the eLearning system.
Virtual training provides an immense range of advantages, among which improved knowledge retention is said to be the most vital.
Employees utilizing an eLearning system for training have shown better results in knowledge retention in comparison to those in a classroom setting training.
3. Microlearning
When provided with lengthy course content which demands significant attention and energy to complete, a lot of employees start shutting down automatically. It becomes difficult to pay attention and even more challenging to retain all the information.
By breaking course content into smaller parts, increases the knowledge retention and success rate. It makes it less difficult to commit on every part of the information provided. This can reduce the amount of time spent in the training process.
4. Eliminate outdated technology
With an eLearning system you can get dramatic advantages, but your need to make sure that you are up to date with your delivery technology. In some situations, if you’re still depending on old CD-ROMs for delivering instructional video, then you are way behind the curve. Investment in the latest technology offers relatively better benefits.
In some cases, streaming technology connects immediately, then the other super slow loading in old technologies. Employees are familiar more with the latest technologies, and two decades old tech won’t catch their attention.
5. Use repetition
Repeating the course content multiple times makes sure employees retain knowledge. Although, you can simply opt for the same format which you did before.
Repeat the information but acknowledge the experience, try using different communication methods in some cases. Try written text, animation, and narration to give variation in each learning experience along nurturing the importance of the training program.
6. Try to innovate
It’s true, training can get boring. Particularly true when learners are reading out from a screen. Instead of this, you can mix up the approach. Video, games, authoring text, reading and narration, all can be used to deliver maximum experience. A huge part of a knowledge is lost when learners find a monotonous approach in the course.
This leads to disengagement and disinterest. Mixing up the delivery formats and methods helps make sure giving improved engagement and retained knowledge.
Employee training programs are only good as the ability of your employees to retain the knowledge they gained. You can invest millions in creating new content in LMS, only to find out that the needed return on investment is not achieved.
Although, the above-mentioned way to help you better the employee knowledge retention for improved transformation in an existing learning management system or to create a new system that delivers the flexibility which learners of new generation need.