Apprentices returning to work and training

The pandemic has disrupted many aspects of our lives including apprenticeship programmes. As restrictions lift and apprentices return to work and training, this guidance is offered to help make this transition as smooth as possible.
Apprentices – Taking back control
Whether you’ve been furloughed, redeployed or learning remotely, you should now plan your return to your apprenticeship and your workplace. You have the opportunity to play a key role in planning for the rest of your apprenticeship. You should work closely with your employer and training provider to ensure you get the most from this and get your career back on track.
Employers – Investing in recovery
This guidance is designed to help you support apprentices to return so both you and they benefit. We would strongly recommend that every apprentice’s commitment statement and work plan is revisited and adapted to suit the circumstances going forward.
Training Providers – Adapting your offer
Many apprentices will have been able to continue with training but may not have had the opportunity to apply learning and practice their skills. Others will have fallen behind with their programme and may need to revisit aspects of their learning. This guidance is informed by best practice and experience to help them return to work and learning.
Best Practice Prompts For Consideration:
Training plan |
Apprentice |
Employer |
Training Provider |
Have you discussed where the apprentice is in terms of their development? |
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Would a further skills audit to measure skills, knowledge and behaviours be helpful? |
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Does the commitment statement need updating with any material changes? |
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Is the ILR still accurate and need updating? |
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Have you refreshed the training plan? |
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Have there been changes to the way training will be delivered? Consider format and frequency. |
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Return to work |
Apprentice |
Employer |
Training Provider |
Have the apprentice’s personal circumstances or access requirements changed? |
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Has the apprentice changed job or working pattern? What impact does this have on the apprenticeship? |
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Is a new risk assessment required? |
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Is a refresher induction needed? |
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When is the right time to restart training – recognising specific workplace pressures and demands |
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Does the apprentice need any workplace adjustments or support to work or study from home? |
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Have there been any changes to legislation, regulations or recommended working practices? |
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Are Health and Safety or Safeguarding refreshers needed? |
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Is the apprentice on a fixed term contract and does this need reviewing? |
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Accessing support |
Apprentice |
Employer |
Training Provider |
Are existing mentor arrangement in place, or would a mentor be helpful? |
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Is peer support available from other apprentices? |
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Are there wider support circles available, for example, apprentice networks or a professional body? |
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Assessment |
Apprentice |
Employer |
Training Provider |
Should the apprentice be reassessed for gateway? |
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Do you know what form the end-point assessment will take? This may have changed since Covid. |
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How will the apprentice be prepared for assessment? |
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Have you contacted the end-point assessment organisation to check details and book an EPA? |
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