College launches road trip to help school leavers secure their future

Coventry College (@coventrycollege) is heading out on the road to encourage school leavers to secure their future by applying for further education programmes.
The College ‘Roadshow’ will take to the streets from Tuesday 25th – Friday 28th May to let Year 11 learners know more about full-time courses which start at the College’s city campus from September 2021.
All of the College’s feeder schools can expect a visit from the eye-catching digital billboard truck displaying college videos and messages highlighting the range of exciting options and opportunities available.
The College offers a wide variety of full-time programmes including sport and public services, performing arts, photography, science and construction.
Apprenticeships are also available which give learners the opportunity to ‘earn while they learn’, gain valuable workplace experience in different sectors and achieve qualifications.
School leavers who apply for college programmes don’t need to worry about their grades as their college place will be guaranteed despite the uncertainty over final GCSE grades this year due to Covid-19.
The school visits are being co-ordinated by college Careers Advisor Gordon Rogers and he will be joined by college staff who will be available to chat to learners if they need information or advice.
Gemma Knott, Vice Principal for Business Growth, Engagement and Partnerships, said the roadshow is a way of reaching out to Year 11 pupils who are still undecided about their next steps.
Gemma said: “It has been a really difficult year for Year 11 learners and although many have decided what their want to do from September, there are still those that haven’t.
“We have hosted a number of virtual college events but haven’t been able to host live open events as we would during a normal academic year because of the pandemic.
‘Hopefully, as restrictions start to ease this is an opportunity to go out to the learners and visit school leavers on our doorstep who are still undecided about their future.
“Learners should apply now for programmes they are interested in and we’ll make sure they have a place with us from September. We’ll support them with their application and guide them between now and when they join us.”
Year 11 learners who are still unsure about what to do next can also speak to the College’s dedicated careers team or book a one-to-one online appointment with the admissions team.
Gemma added: “Despite the uncertainty that school leavers have faced this year, now’s the time for them to think ahead, apply now for programmes and secure their future.”