Deakin and Coventry launch co-created degree on FutureLearn

Two universities from different parts of the globe are set to offer a wholly-online, co-created degree. Deakin University (Australia) and Coventry University (UK) have partnered to offer a new postgraduate degree in Entrepreneurship, allowing digitally connected students from around the world to engage in a rich learning experience – learning with the world without leaving home.
Offered on the social learning platform, FutureLearn, this degree has been designed and positioned to enable maximum global participation. It has been co-developed drawing on research, teaching and practical expertise from these two universities, both driven by employability and digital innovation.
The course will provide students with a truly interactive, international learning experience, linking students from across the globe.
Deakin and FutureLearn first partnered in 2017, with the Australian university becoming the first in the world to use such a platform to offer several fully online postgraduate courses.
Professor Beverley Oliver, Deakin’s Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education, described this new collaboration as the future of postgraduate education enabled by global platforms; giving learners access to expertise from leading researchers and practitioners.
Professor Oliver said:
“The course is designed to ensure students network with their peers – in the digital economy, their communities and future customers will be global.
“At Deakin, we are committed to providing the best possible learning experience and outcomes to our students, wherever they are in the world. We share this value with Coventry University and this has been made clear by the new partnership.
Ian Dunn, Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Student Experience at Coventry University, said:
“Just over a year ago we started working with FutureLearn to become the first UK University to offer fully online postgraduate degree courses on the platform.
“This new partnership goes even further and sees us working with Deakin, a leading Australian institution, to offer a joint qualification to our global learners.
“At Coventry, we are committed to offering the very best learning experience to our students, wherever they are in the world. This new way of working means we can offer that significant international learning experience to even more people in our communities.”
Simon Nelson, Chief Executive at FutureLearn, said:
“This collaboration between Deakin and Coventry University is a great example of the huge potential for universities when they work together. They can expand their range of course offerings, reach new audiences, enrich the experiences of their students and truly challenge what is possible in higher education.
“We’re proud to be working with these trailblazing universities and to be playing a part in this collaboration which we believe is a big step forward for the industry.”
Graduates will be awarded a Graduate Certificate from Deakin University and a Postgraduate Certificate from Coventry University. Free course tasters start from January 2019, with fee paying courses commence in May 2019. Graduates need to successfully complete 4 programs/modules (minimum timeframe to complete is 1-year part time).