FE Commissioner’s intervention report summary on Macclesfield College, and the Minister of State for Apprenticeships and Skills’ letter to the chair.


FE Commissioner intervention summary report: Macclesfield College

Ref: DFE-00064-2019PDF, 341KB, 19 pages

Letter from Minister of State for Apprenticeships and Skills to Macclesfield College

PDF, 254KB, 2 pages


A summary of the Further Education (FE) Commissioner’s findings and recommendations following a review into the financial health of the college.

The review involved an intervention visit on 27 November 2018 at Macclesfield College.

The letter from Anne Milton, Minister of State for Apprenticeships and Skills, to the chair of Macclesfield College sets out the outcome of the intervention assessment and confirms the next steps to be taken.

We produce these reports in line with our commitment to intervention in further education.

Published 22 March 2019