Improving educational outcomes for learners with specific learning difficulties

Advice to the Prime Minister on how science and technology can help to enhance educational outcomes for learners.
Improving educational outcomes for learners with specific learning difficulties: CST letter, 1 December 2020
PDF, 471KB, 14 pages
Improving educational outcomes for learners with specific learning difficulties: Prime Minister’s response, 21 January 2021
PDF, 111KB, 2 pages
In a letter to the Prime Minister sent on 1 December 2020, the Council for Science and Technology (CST) explores how science and technology can unleash the potential of every child across the country.
The letter proposes 6 recommendations focused on 2 broad areas:
- Translating what is already known into practical tools and support for learners through better connection between the research community, educational professionals, and the Education Technology (EdTech) industry.
- Improving learner access to evidence-based support, through clarity on definitions of learners who could benefit from support, ensuring equality of access to support across the country, and boosting awareness, understanding and skills for those who deliver support, namely teachers, school leaders, and parents or carers.
The Government Office for Science commissioned evidence reviews to help inform this advice.