Industry professionals support calls to regulate UK dog grooming with mandatory further education training

Pet professionals have renewed their calls for legislation in dog grooming after a cockapoo tragically died after being left in a cage dryer.
Kilmarnock puppy Harry, died after suffering heat stroke when he went to a Scottish groomer, and the horrific incident has led to dog lover Pamela Rogers setting up a petition calling for more dog grooming legislation.
And echoing the sentiment, qualification provider the iPET Network, which provides Ofqual regulated courses for the grooming industry, say that more needs to be done to ensure that pets are safe when they go for a haircut.
Fern Gresty of iPET Network, said:
“What happened to poor Harry is tragic, and it is stories like this that underpin everything that we do at iPET Network. “It is not just about selling courses, even the basics of dog grooming are tricky and potentially dangerous, currently in this country anyone can pick up a pair of scissors and start their own business without any safety foundations.”
The iPET Network offers Ofqual regulated courses which leave students with a high level of skill and the abilities to start a trustworthy business.
Any qualified groomer can then be listed on The Groomers Spotlight database, which enables dog owners to search for their nearest local qualified dog groomer.
Supported by the RSPCA, Street Paws and The Groomers Spotlight, iPET Network recently launched the Safe Pets and People campaign, which is calling for mandatory first aid qualifications for all UK pet professionals.
Fern added: “We don’t know exactly what happened to poor Harry, but knowing how to react quickly in a crisis is essential for all pet professionals. Equally, the proper use and maintenance of equipment as a preventative step can save lives.
“I don’t think that people realise that many pet professions aren’t regulated, and that is why we are continually working hard to spread awareness.”