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The Welsh Government has announced £1.8 million to support health and social care students in Wales

Welsh Gov health and social care

Support for students to complete ‘vital’ Health and Social Care courses

There has been a decline in the number of students enrolled on Health and Social Care programmes at colleges, which can be explained by the impact Covid has had on the delivery of courses. 

The funding will help students complete their studies and encourage progression into the sector, as well as helping colleges promote health and social care courses to attract more students, helping meet the high demand for qualified staff. The funding could also be used to support childcare costs or to enable buddying or mentoring to support career development.

While in some instances, costs to supports students can be covered by a college’s Financial Contingency Fund (FCF), this additional funding should provide a consistent approach across Health and Social Care programmes and allow some colleges to offset FCF expenditure into the next Financial Year.

Jeremy Miles, the Minister for Education and Welsh Language, said:

“The pandemic has underlined what we already knew – that skilled, trained staff are vital to the continuity of our NHS and social care services, which people across Wales rely on every day.

“Given the pressure on staffing in our health and social care sectors, it is critical we take action to attract more students and support them in completing their courses.”

Iestyn Davies, Chief Executive of Colegau Cymru, said:

“The Pandemic has brought into sharp focus the importance of the health and social care sector.

“The additional funding will help ensure that more learners are encouraged into a rewarding role with the knowledge and skills needed not only to support their residents and clients, but also to complete their studies and progress to meaningful, skilled careers. The financial support demonstrates the Welsh Government’s commitment to both skills and wellbeing and is very welcome.”

Numbers of learners enrolling on Health and Social Care programmes at further education colleges in Wales

YearNo of learners
2021/22 (to date)3,723
NB: Not official WG statistics, but an estimate based on management data derived from college responses.

Last March, the Welsh Government published Health and Social Care in Wales – Covid-19: Looking Forward, which describes the impact of Covid-19 on health and social care services.

Cymorth i fyfyrwyr wrth gwblhau cyrsiau Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol ‘hanfodol’

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cyhoeddi cyllid newydd o £1.8 miliwn i gefnogi myfyrwyr iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol yng Nghymru.

Mae llai o fyfyrwyr wedi cofrestru ar raglenni Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol mewn colegau, o bosibl o ganlyniad i’r effaith negyddol y mae COVID-19 wedi ei chael ar y trefniadau ar gyfer darparu’r cwrs hwn.

Bydd y cyllid yn helpu myfyrwyr i gwblhau eu hastudiaethau ac yn annog darpar fyfyrwyr i ymuno â’r sector, yn ogystal â helpu colegau i hyrwyddo cyrsiau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol er mwyn denu rhagor o fyfyrwyr, gan helpu i ateb y galw uwch am staff cymwysedig. Gellid hefyd ddefnyddio’r cyllid i helpu i dalu costau gofal plant, neu i gynnig cynlluniau cyfeillio staff/mentora i gefnogi dysgwyr wrth ddatblygu eu gyrfa.

Er y gellir defnyddio Cronfa Ariannol Wrth Gefn y coleg i dalu costau cefnogi myfyrwyr mewn rhai achosion, dylai’r cyllid ychwanegol hwn sicrhau dull gweithredu cyson mewn rhaglenni Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol a rhoi cyfle i rai colegau ohirio gwariant eu Cronfa Ariannol Wrth Gefn tan y Flwyddyn Ariannol nesaf.

Dywedodd Jeremy Miles, Gweinidog y Gymraeg ac Addysg:

“Mae’r pandemig wedi tynnu sylw at yr hyn a oedd eisoes yn hysbys inni – sef bod staff medrus, hyfforddedig yn hanfodol i barhad gwasanaethau’r Gwasanaeth Iechyd Gwladol a gofal cymdeithasol, gwasanaethau y mae pobl ledled Cymru yn dibynnu arnynt bob dydd.

“O ystyried y pwysau ar niferoedd staff yn ein sector iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol, mae’n hollbwysig ein bod yn cymryd camau i ddenu rhagor o fyfyrwyr ac i’w cefnogi wrth gwblhau eu cyrsiau.”

Dywedodd Iestyn Davies, Prif Weithredwr Colegau Cymru:

“Mae’r pandemig wedi dangos yn glir pa mor bwysig yw’r sector iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol.

“Bydd y cyllid ychwanegol yn helpu i sicrhau bod rhagor o ddysgwyr yn cael eu hannog i ymgymryd â rolau gwerth chweil, gyda’r wybodaeth a’r sgiliau sydd eu hangen i helpu eu preswylwyr a’u cleientiaid, yn ogystal â chwblhau eu hastudiaethau a symud ymlaen i yrfaoedd gwerthfawr sy’n galw am sgiliau. Mae’r cymorth ariannol hwn yn dangos ymrwymiad Llywodraeth Cymru i sgiliau a llesiant, a dylid ei groesawu’n fawr.”

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