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Borders College is Breastfeeding Friendly

Four women standing on a large grass lawn outside a Borders College building. They are smiling and holding up blue Breastfeeding Friendly Scotland signs.

@BordersCollege has announced its commitment to the Scottish Government’s ‘Breastfeeding Friendly Scotland’ scheme in a bid to help remove the barriers many parents face while feeding in public.

In Scotland, breastfeeding and bottle feeding are both protected by the Breastfeeding etc (Scotland) Act 2005. This means you should be able to feed your child, when required, in the most appropriate place without fear of discrimination.

The Breastfeeding Friendly Scotland scheme aims to provide parents with positive experiences of feeding when out and about, allowing them to feel confident, safe and supported.  

Amy Brydon, Equality Diversity and Inclusion Officer said:

“We are proud to support the Breastfeeding Friendly Scotland initiative. As a new parent, feeding in public can be difficult for many different reasons. We want everyone in our community to know that Borders College is a safe space to feed your baby, in whatever way is best for you.”

Juliet Fraser, NHS Health Improvement Specialist for Maternal and Infant Nutrition added:

“I am thrilled to have worked alongside Borders College to support them in becoming

Breastfeeding Friendly. Many women walk through the doors of Borders College every day, whether that is staff, students or members of the local community. The dedication to support and protect mothers who are choosing to breastfeed on campus is inspiring.”

In additional to signing up to the scheme, the College is dedicated to creating more inclusive spaces for families, including the introduction of additional baby change units across all campuses, high chairs in the student canteen, and fridges for staff and students to store expressed milk while working or studying.

If you are a parent looking for feeding advice and support, speak to your midwife or health visitor. You can also visit or call the National Breastfeeding Helpline on 0300 100 0212.

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