Access Over £150 million of Scholarships for UK Students: Free Information Pack for Sixth Form Teachers & Careers Advisers

A free Scholarship Information Pack on the £150m worth of scholarship funding available to students launched yesterday.
The pack aims to enable sixth form teachers and careers advisers to better support their students in accessing this additional funding from universities, professional associations, companies, charities and trusts.
Compiled by The Scholarship Hub, a free online database of over UK 3,000 scholarships and bursaries, the resource pack, including a video, leaflets, guides and blogs, provides essential financial information for students thinking about studying at tertiary level.
The Pack can be downloaded from The Scholarship Hub website.
Karen Kennard, the founder of The Scholarship Hub, said:
“The number of scholarships, grants and bursaries is rising each year, yet the vast majority of students aren’t even aware of them. 70%* of students don’t even apply for scholarships, believing that they aren’t eligible, yet we know that organisations are often struggling to find applicants. There are many different scholarships available and they’re not just for disadvantaged students or linked to particular universities and subjects. Students should be checking what they might be eligible for so they don’t miss out”.
The Scholarship Information Pack consists of free downloadable educational resources including:
- A Guide to Scholarships for teachers explaining what is available with tips on finding relevant opportunities and making applications;
- an explanation video on scholarships, bursaries and grants;
- an A4 poster for use around the school or at Higher Education meetings;
- an A5 leaflet to hand out to parents and students providing a quick overview of scholarships
- a scholarships PowerPoint four-slide presentation for use as part of talks on Higher Education
- Blog post/article for use on a school website on how to find scholarships, grants and bursaries for university.
- Degree apprenticeships blog post/article on apprenticeships and how they can also be a great way to get a degree debt free.
* Source – The 2018 Student Money Survey