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Who will be the rising star of 2018? #AppAwards18

Rising star finalists

Voting has now opened to crown the first National Apprenticeship Awards ‘rising star’ of the year at the national ceremony being held later this year in London.

The new rising star category showcases apprentices who have made impressive progress in their career to date, demonstrating the potential, through their apprenticeship, to take a career path to the very top of their chosen profession.

During September the awards judging panels chose nine regional winners, who are now going head to head to be crowned the national winner. All finalists were nominated by their employer and some of their achievements include these individuals having a positive impact on many tangible business measures including profit, guest satisfaction and running campaigns. Other reasons for being nominated include apprentices exceeding employer’s expectations and adding value by acquiring new skills and qualifications and also volunteering to upskill new apprentices by sharing their own experiences, to give them the best possible start to their apprenticeship.

The nine national rising star finalists are:

West Midlands

Sam Brown, Hidden Economy Compliance officer from HM Revenues and Customs

North West

Joseph Buck, Duty Manager from Mitchells and Butlers

East of England

Aleksandra Burzec, Support Coordinator from Home Group

South West

Henry Crosby, Plumbing & Heating Engineer from S W & L

North East

Jenny Jones, Software Developer Apprentice from HM Revenues and Customs


Thomas Mynott, Associate Developer from Transport for London

East Midlands

Shivram Radia, Senior Surveyor from Edward Cooper Young Chartered Surveyors

Yorkshire and the Humber

Hannah Turner, Internship and Junior Development Programme Lead from Home Office Digital, Data and Technology

South East

Aimee Wilkinson, Assistant Project Manager from BAE Systems

Keith Smith, Director, Apprenticeships, ESFA said:

The National Apprenticeship Awards recognise excellence in businesses that grow their own talent with apprenticeships, and apprentices who have made, and keep making, a significant contribution to their workplaces. All of the rising star national finalists are testament to the brilliance of apprentices and the opportunity apprenticeships bring to the lives of individuals.

These nine national finalists represent success across our regions and are all outstanding individuals. I am sure that for each of them, their futures are bright and further success in their career beckons.

Please do vote; we need the apprenticeship community to get behind these 9 outstanding apprentices to ensure they get the recognition they deserve.


Voting couldn’t be easier. Opening today, 3 October at 10am and closing at 5pm on 17 October, vote for your rising star of 2018.

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