Report and recommendations from the Independent Welsh Pay Review Body

I am pleased to publish today the fourth report of the Independent Welsh Pay Review Body (IWPRB), covering recommendations for amendments to teachers’ pay and conditions from September 2022.
I would first like to thank the IWPRB for producing such a detailed report which provides independent, comprehensive analysis along with evidence-based recommendations that we can take forward to improve teachers’ pay and conditions in Wales.
The IWPRB make 7 recommendations for teachers’ pay and conditions, which I accept in principle and subject to keeping the 2023 uplifts under review as set out below.
Annex 1 below lists the recommendations and provides a summary of response to each. Briefly these include:
- An uplift of 5% to all statutory scale points on all pay scales and all allowances for 2022/23.
- An uplift of 3.5% to all statutory scale points on all pay scales and all allowances for 2023/24 subject to a review if there is a significant change in economic conditions compared with the current forecasts.
- that the starting salary for teachers is increased to at least £30,000 from September 2023.
I am very proud of our commitment to social partnership working across the public sector in Wales to solve problems and find solutions to the economic, social and other challenges that face Wales at this present time. I am committed to finding ways we can continue to reward and recognise our teachers here in Wales through this difficult economic period and it is through our social partnership approach combined with the independent expertise of the IWPRB that I am able to make this announcement today.
Following careful consideration of this expert, independent advice provided by the IWPRB, I accept the recommendation that all statutory pay scales and all allowances are uplifted by 5% from September 2022. This uplift in pay will result in a starting salary for new teachers of £28,866 and the salaries of more experienced classroom teachers will rise to £44,450 – an increase of £2,117.
The IWPRB recommendation that, given the current economic uncertainties and pressures, future awards from September 2023 need to be kept under review is a sensible precaution I propose that these should therefore be used as a planning assumption, subject to such a review.
I also welcome the IWPRBs recommendations to improve some key terms and conditions of teachers, notably the removal of the strict pro-rata principle for TLR allowances; and the need to review the remuneration of ALNCos. I agree with IWPRB that these issues are best tackled by working alongside key stakeholders and the recommended actions will be developed through such partnership working with both employers and teacher unions.
I will now be inviting written comments from key stakeholders within the next 8 weeks on the IWPRB’s report as well as on my response to the IWPRB key recommendations, including the proposed increases to teachers’ pay.
Annex 1
IWPRB Recommendations and proposed actions for implementation
IWPRB Recommendation | Welsh Government proposed response / Required action. | |
1 | We recommend to the Welsh Government that all statutory scale points on all pay scales, and all allowances, are increased by 5% for 2022-2023. | Agree to update the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document (STPC(W)D) as recommended. |
2 | We recommend to the Welsh Government that all statutory scale points on all pay scales, and all allowances, are increased by 3.5% for 2023-2024. This figure should be kept under review and revisited if there is a significant change in economic conditions compared with the current forecasts. | Will review following significant change in economic conditions compared with current forecasts and update STPC(W)D from September 2023 as required. |
3 | We recommend to the Welsh Government that the minimum of the MPR (M2) pay point is increased to £30,000 for 2023-2024. | Agree to update STPC(W)D as recommended subject to review as Recommendation 2. |
4 | We recommend that the Welsh Government, in partnership with the PPF, updates and clarifies the wording in the STPC(W)D to incorporate the changes made since the devolution of pay and conditions – specifically pay portability, progression on the UPR, and performance-related pay – to reflect accurately and consistently the previous recommendations made by the IWPRB. This task should be completed by September 2022. | Agree in principle and will discuss directly with all key stakeholders specifically where in STPC(W)D clarification is required. Then, where necessary, will draft amendments to update and clarify wording in the STPC(W)D in partnership with employers and teacher unions. |
5 | We recommend to the Welsh Government that the pro-rata principle substantially referred to in section 40.1, should be removed from the 2022-2023 STPC(W)D in respect of part-time teachers in receipt of TLR1s and TLR2s, and that the PPF should agree, and replace it with, appropriate wording to state that a decision on the additional responsibilities and commensurate level of award should be mutually agreed by the teacher and the employer. | In partnership with all key stakeholders will draft necessary amendments for consideration for inclusion in the STPC(W)D. |
6 | We recommend to the Welsh Government that in the light of the statutory nature of the new ALNCo role, a task and finish group be established to review the non-contact allocation and remuneration. The group should report its findings by December 2023. | Agree to establish a task and finish group with deadline for reporting to be agreed. |
7 | We refer to the three recommendations made in our third report, i.e. monitoring and reporting of equalities legislation at school and local authority level; guidance to school governors on pay and conditions; and arrangements for future work on a model pay policy at a national level, and recommend that they are implemented as originally written. | Agree to provide update to stakeholders on current status and proposed progression of all 3 items. |