From education to employment

Citizenship Project Through E2E Programme

Animal welfare and protection were on the agenda recently at an event hosted by students from Warwickshire College’s Rugby Centre to celebrate the completion of their Citizenship project.

The new Animal Welfare Bill, currently in the process of going through the House of Commons, gives animal inspectors greater autonomy of action in rescuing animals that they believe to be mistreated. The students spent some twenty days researching this Bill and prepared a short video promoting the legislation. The video was based on a true tale of an abandoned cat on the RSPCA website, with the script and the props being created by the students.

They are also engaging in the political process in a direct way. They are showing their support for the Bill through the presentation of a petition to the local MP, the Right Hon. Jeremy Wright. It is hoped that this show of support will provide the Bill with the extra impetus that will serve to push it through the House of Commons.

Entry to Employment

The students are all participating on the Entry to Employment (E2E) programme that is funded by the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) in Coventry and Warwickshire. The E2E programme is designed to help students like these, who are not currently in training, education or employment. Particularly suitable for students who have received GCSE results and are undecided about their next step, the E2E programme provides the opportunity to gain work experience in a chosen area during the course and build students” vocational and Key Skills, as well as their confidence.

Alice Pethick is the E2E manager for Warwickshire College and is in the ideal position to realise just how important E2E can be. “Citizenship studies give students the opportunity to develop their own and others” awareness of a contemporary political issue,” she said. “The students have put a lot of effort into this project, and it has been a very positive experience for all involved.”

Jethro Marsh

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