A surprise trip to Downing St for students

AS Government and Politics students from Gower College Swansea recently visited London where they took in some very famous sights.
It was an action-packed day. Setting off from Swansea at 5.30am, the students visited the UK Supreme Court and enjoyed a walking tour of Whitehall.
They were also treated to a tour of Parliament including both the House of Commons and the House of Lords. There was a workshop on law-making at the end of the tour, followed by a Q&A session with Gower MP Tonia Antoniazzi.
But probably the highlight of the day was a visit to Downing Street, with an opportunity for photos outside the very famous front door of No.10. This stop has been arranged in secret by Curriculum Leader Scott Evans and came as a total surprise to the accompanying staff and students.
“This trip proved a great success for our students, allowing them to engage with key institutions that they cover in their course,” says Scott. “That we were able to visit the key pillars of the UK governmental system will prove hugely beneficial to our learners, enriching their classroom studies of the subject through a tangible experience. The surprise Downing Street visit, in particular, created a great buzz and experience that will live long in their memories. Who knows, amongst us that day we may well have inspired a future resident of the famous address!”