Gower College Swansea update for 30 December 2021

This morning (30 Dec) Gower College Swansea managers met to discuss the return to College plans for next week. A number of options were considered in anticipation of the new Welsh Government guidelines, which are expected later today and tomorrow.
Until we receive the updated government advice our most recent plans remain in place and there will be no teaching taking place on either Tuesday 4 or Wednesday 5 January.
Important update on self-isolation guidance – 29 October
29th Oct 2021: On Friday 29 October, Welsh Government announced changes to self-isolation guidance. This is due to the continued high level of positive Covid-19 cases in Wales.
Please note this updated guidance now applies even if you are fully vaccinated or aged under 18.
If someone in your household has tested positive or has symptoms of Covid-19, you will have to self-isolate and book a Covid-19 PCR test.
Only a negative result from the Covid-19 PCR test will allow you to return to College (and resume other daily activities outside your home).