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Podcast with Alastair Campbell on improving the PR and reputation in FE

Alastair Campbell, the Sultan of Spin, chats with Gavin O'Meara, FE News

We chat with Alastair Campbell (aka the Sultan of Spin) and ask for his advice on how to improve the reputation and PR in FE, to the nation, to employers, learners and their families.

Alastair is truly one of the World’s experts in PR and Communications. We grabbed the opportunity to chat with him and ask his advice on how to raise the reputation and awareness of Further Education, Skills and Apprenticeships. Alastair took time out to look at FE from a macro Nationwide and micro or local level. If you are involved in marketing, communications or a senior leader in FE.. I would highly recommend checking out what Alastair has to say.

Alastair chats though identifying FE’s strength and identifying the needs of the nation and then constantly communicating this strength.

We then chat about how to improve the reputation of FE, Skills and Apprenticeships on a local level.

Who could be a better person to chat to about improving the reputation of the sector? I would highly recommend listening to the podcast below:

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