The Outcomes of Programme-led apprenticeships – Exclusive Overview for FE News
Even though PLAs have been provento be an effective tool in breaking into employment, participation has decreased considerably. Ways of perhaps increasing participation are as follows.
· The SSC, LSC and, government should combine forces to make this programme as effective and enriching as it can be. Methods could include:
– In the thorough promotion of PLAs through all possible outlets i.e. further education, LSCs and LEAs.
– Abolishing all full-time vocational perhaps or, incorporating PLAs into these courses.
– In unifying all available information on PLAs so that the common goal and purpose of this programme is clear to prospective students.
· EMA should be given to PLA learners as work placement hours are equivalent to the hours that make a student eligible for EMA.
· Given the current circumstances with young people increasingly turning to gun and knife crimes, PLAs with the right force behind it, offer a route from education straight into employment. A fulfilling future and encouraging power to propel youngsters away form violence and towards education and employment.