From education to employment

Leveraging workplace data analytics for excellence in the evolving education landscape

Ben Nicklen, CEO at Tiger

The education sector has undergone a profound transformation in recent years, and the rapid acceleration of technological advancements, catalysed by the pandemic, has set the stage for long-term change. The stakes are undeniably high when it comes to shaping the educational experiences of the next generation. To ensure their success, it is imperative that we have the right tools in place.

Data analytics emerges as a crucial key to harnessing the benefits of remote work or study arrangements while upholding the desired standards for achievement and wellbeing both for educators and students.

Continuing with blended learning

In contrast to the traditional classroom setting that has largely returned for school students, higher education institutions have embraced a hybrid approach to teaching and learning. This shift stems from the fact that university students, after experiencing a more rigid school and college environment, yearn for added flexibility.

Technological advancements have paved the way for increased educational accessibility, accommodating students with diverse needs, those dealing with illnesses, or simply those seeking flexibility. As a result, the use of unified communications and collaboration (UC&C) tools like Microsoft Teams and Zoom remains high in the education sector.

However, the expectation is that these platforms must be fit for purpose. They should not only facilitate remote education but also drive results, enhance connections between students and educators, and elevate engagement levels. Additionally, amidst the coursework pressures, exam stresses, and social opportunities in higher education, maintaining student wellbeing becomes increasingly challenging.

Harnessing data for success

In a bid to address all of these challenges, data analytics becomes a powerful tool for course leaders to gain valuable insights into student performance, engagement, and wellbeing. These insights aid in achieving educational goals, providing tailored support, and ensuring an optimal experience for students.

Moreover, with the ability to identify emerging issues at an early stage, universities can proactively reduce drop-out rates and enhance outcomes for both individuals and the institution as a whole. A solution like Tiger Prism, with its intuitive dashboards and role-based access, empowers relevant staff members to intervene effectively, rather than relying solely on central IT teams focused on non-humanistic data requirements.

Mastering the clearing process

In the education realm, clearing represents one of the most financially significant events of the year. It is a critical opportunity to enrol new students, but it unfolds against the backdrop of numerous institutions vying for the same candidates. Therefore, a seamless clearing process is paramount.

However, with an influx of calls during clearing, the situation can become highly stressful. Missing a call can have significant financial consequences, especially considering the high cost of a university education in the UK.

Real-time monitoring using live dashboards and reporting can help organisations manage peak call periods, call routing, and hold times efficiently. This data allows institutions to adjust staffing levels and estate configurations as needed. Furthermore, the resulting data can be analysed to prepare for future clearing processes, thereby enhancing the caller’s experience and directly impacting profitability.

Timely data analysis can also pinpoint technological issues, reducing missed calls and providing a more responsive approach to customer experience. The clearing process serves as a vital first impression for potential students, making it a crucial aspect of the institution’s image.

The hybrid workforce

While students often dominate discussions about the education sector, there is an equally important workforce seeking flexible work arrangements behind the scenes. This often involves managing a significant number of costly UC&C licenses.

Ensuring these licenses are fully utilised can be challenging. Staying informed about changes in usage is essential to make necessary adjustments promptly. However, without the right tools, gathering insights about mass usage can be time-consuming and inaccurate.

Data analytics can eliminate the guesswork, identifying where investments are worthwhile and where cost-saving measures can be implemented. Similar to students, it can also uncover trends related to technical challenges, engagement, and well-being among staff, offering opportunities for support and promoting a positive working environment. This not only aids in retaining colleagues but also fosters a culture with benefits for all stakeholders.

Unlocking insights for long-term success

Data analytics offers a comprehensive view of institutional data, empowering educational institutions to stay ahead of the curve. By leveraging analytics, institutions can ensure that both their colleagues and students remain satisfied and engaged well into the future.

By Ben Nicklen, CEO of Tiger

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