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For his work supporting children’s charities Zvi Noé awarded the Outstanding Contribution Award at the Sceptre Awards 2019

Zvi Noé was nominated for his work leading the charity One Great Day which holds fundraising events in shopping centres across the UK

Zvi Noé, founder and partner at Capreon, the Noé Group real estate business and asset manager, was awarded the Outstanding Contribution Award at the Sceptre Awards 2019 for his work leading the charity One Great Day. 

Given for an outstanding contribution to the shopping centre sector over the past year, Zvi Noé was recognised for his outstanding contribution through his leadership of the charity One Great Day (OGD), a fundraising day in shopping centres, in support of Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) and 137 other children’s charities across the UK.

Taking place in over 210 shopping centres up and down the country and supported by partners CRBE, Savills, Lockton and Montagu Evans, the charity has raised over £500,000 since it was established in 2014.

Following the ceremony Zvi Noé said, “It is a great honour to have received this award; however this awards is confirmation of the achievement of everyone who has been a part of One Great Day, every shopping centre, asset manager, managing agent and owner who has been and continues to be the very heart of the One Great Day family”.

“I have a vision of One Great Day continuing to grow taking place in every retail location across the UK. This is an opportunity for the retail community to be part of something great, something bigger than any one centre, to make a difference, and to grasp the opportunity of turning what we do at work into something that changes the lives of thousands of children across the UK for the better.”

The Outstanding Contribution Award was judged by an expert panel of respected industry professionals and candidates were selected on their contribution to the shopping centre and retail sector.

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