Adult Learning Inspectorate Welcome Success of Private Training Provider
In the world of training provision, those companies that relied on private funding had always been viewed with little respect by the FE sector. Now, however, all this could be about to change, as Focus Training, the first provider to receive absolutely no government funding whatsoever, has received a string of outstanding grades in their recent inspection.
The Adult Learning Inspectorate (ALI) were commissioned to undertake an inspection of the quality of the courses offered by Focus Training, who had laboured underneath the traditional view of private training providers. The result of the inspection was held up as an example of their changing fortunes by Chief Executive Bob Ellis.
Mr Ellis said: “I wanted verification that what we were doing was right. Traditionally the FE sector has had a poor regard for private training providers. We wanted to prove to colleges that we had invested in our curriculum and developed quality systems and processes.”
Mr. Ellis seems to have already noticed the effects of the change in attitude as he noted: “I used to go running all over the country trying to talk to colleges. Now they”re ringing me up.” He recognised the vital importance and significance of the ALI inspection, saying: “Looking back, the inspection was worth every penny, no doubt about it.”
Jethro Marsh
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