“The World Is Flat” Details Chris Humphries” Fears for the Future
Young people under the age of 16 lack knowledge about the career choices available to them because schools don”t provide adequate information on the options and public careers information is not good enough, according to Chris Humphries, Director General of City & Guilds.
With demand high in Britain for skilled workers the government and the education system must ensure that all young people from the age of 12 have access to an effective and impartial programme of careers education, information, advice and guidance, said Humphries.
Teachers also need help. Classroom-based careers advice, particularly for those young people interested in skills-based careers, can be uninspiring. Even the best-intentioned teachers can find it hard to passionately communicate the range of vocational options open to young people within the confines of a classroom, believes Humphries.
Interest in Interest
Interest in vocational skills-based careers is prevalent amongst 16 to 24 year olds, 61 per cent of whom, according to a survey from skills festival SkillCity, believe vocational skills to be more useful than a traditional academic degree. However, under-16s are still being failed when it comes to information provision.
Humphries was speaking on the eve of the start of SkillCity, Britain’s largest-ever skills festival, where 120,000 young people, teachers and parents will explore the huge range of career sectors on show, from construction to horticulture to hairdressing.
“Experiences such as SkillCity are essential to building a talented workforce ““ not just because they give young people practical inspiration, but because they give teachers, parents and other influencers the tools and information necessary to guide young people in their career-path decision making,” said Humphries.
With shortages in vocational and technical skills now widespread and likely to increase over the coming decade the need to increase the number of people in vocational skills courses is essential if the British economy is going to remain competitive.
SkillCity takes place in London and runs until 9th of July.
Brandon Cheevers
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