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ESRC Grant Funding Access to Help Students into Social Sciences

Students of Further Education have been granted access to a staggering £100 million worth of resources ““ so that they may learn about social sciences.

The Economic and Social Research Council’s (ESRC’s) recently launched website (which can be visited by clicking here), provides users with information pertaining to all areas of social science, including health, crime, politics and education. “Many of the biggest challenges facing us in the 21st century are social science issues,” explains Cormac Connolly, the Editor. “ESRC Society Today has much to offer students throughout their studies.”

Making the Best of Resources

Students can exploit the ESRC’s massive network of 2,500 researchers currently in their employ and utilise more than 75 major research resources. “Work on ESRC Society Today is continuous and we are adding new content to the site and refining usability on a daily basis,” says Cormac.

A series of “Plain English” summaries and fact sheets constitute the bulk of the information adorning the site, allowing users to peruse many articles at once, or grasp the crux of certain issues in an uncomplicated way.

Cormac explained the value of allowing FE students unbridled access to a host of relevant information, saying: “Whether they are looking for inspiration to kick start an essay or project, or putting the finishing touches to a piece of coursework, ESRC Society Today can help students source a wealth of useful information.”

Window to Everyday Lives

The site also offers registered users a range of other services, including email updates, discussion forums and the ability to save and repeat favourite searches. Outlining the fundamental tenet of importance held by the study of social sciences, Cormac said: “This new website has the power to become a window on our everyday lives and demonstrate how social science impacts on government, the business community and any individual living and working in the UK.”

“Our aim is that ESRC Society Today will become the first port of call for all students looking for social and economic research,” he concluded.

Vijay Pattni

Read all about social inclusion and FE right here at FE News!

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