From education to employment

Investors in People Highlight Recruitment and Training for the Future

More than a third of employers do not feel they are receiving the applicants suitably trained for the post, according to a recent study from Investors in People (IIP).

The study was conducted from a pool of more than 700 of the organizations affiliated with IIP, and shows that recruitment is becoming an increasingly important issue in the current business environment. Recognising the overwhelming importance of recruiting the right person for the right role, a whopping 86% of employers say that recruitment is a high or very high priority for them over the course of the next 12 months. This has grown in the course of the last year, with some 37% saying it is more of a priority than it was a year ago.

But the skills gap is causing a headache for the employers on the search for their next round of employees. A lack of quality applicants is proving a challenge for all comers, with nearly a quarter of UK bosses (24%) saying that it has gotten so bad that they have to wait up to six months on average to fill job vacancies. A meager 18% say it takes less than a month to find the right person for the job.

The Report’s Findings

Alongside these figures, there were some more precise analyses of the driving forces within industry and the primary concerns for recruiting companies. Amongst the other conclusions drawn by the report, it was found that some 40% of businesses believe that the main reason for their drive in recruitment is growth in their businesses.

It was established from the sample taken that manual and craft workers need to be recruited most often, representing some 31% of recruitment compared to other recruitment areas (possibly due to a higher turnover rate and / or the shorter term of some contracts). Middle managers were the most frequently recruited, with companies saying that the recruitment of these posts amounts to some 18% of all recruitment.


The IIP have not simply assembled a report of the facts, however; they also have a number of recommended courses of action to take. The first of these is to stress the importance for companies to take a long term view as well as looking to immediate need. This would obviate the need for “knee ““ jerk” recruitment. They also emphasise the need to be as clear as possible about the job specifications, avoiding what they call “job mis ““ selling”.

IIP also recognise the potential for internal recruitment and development, possibly implying that staff development can be valuable in changing the face of the staff. They advise that “careful succession planning can ensure that when a manager is promoted or moves on, a member of their team is well equipped to fill their shoes.” They advise the employers to include new employees in the mix, and to “Keep talking to new recruits ““ don”t abandon them at the end of their induction period.”

IIP Chief Executive Talks of “Lifeblood”

The Chief Executive of IIP, Ruth Spellman, commented on the findings of the report: “This survey shows that finding the right person for the job is becoming increasingly difficult. Applicants are lacking in both quality and quantity, meaning that ambitious employers are starved of the lifeblood of their business ““ the people whom they need to progress.

“In these difficult circumstances, employers must do all they can to increase their competitive edge in the recruitment market,” she continued. “This means putting people at the heart of their business, analysing both current and prospective requirements and then tenaciously targeting people to fill these needs ““ both internal and external candidates. Organisations working with Investors in People are already alert to the issues ““ and taking steps to tackle them; we believe thousands more could benefit.”

Jethro Marsh

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