Learners from the further education and skills sector are being offered the chance to perform at the national Quality Improvement Agency (QIA) STAR Awards ceremony in November
Talented learners from across the further education and skills sector are being given an exciting opportunity to perform at a glittering awards ceremony.
Any groups of learners or individuals with a flair for dancing, singing or drama can enter the Sparkle Auditions. The winner will open the Quality Improvement Agency’s (QIA) 2008 STAR Awards national ceremony and entertain an audience of 500 STAR nominees and their guests. Runners-up will also get the chance to showcase their talents at the event at Old Billingsgate, London, on 24 November.
To enter the auditions learners need to make a 60-second video clip of a performance and email a link to:
Alternatively they can send in photographs and/or a short description of their showcase.
Entries for the auditions close on 30 September 2008. Visit the Sparkle Auditions page on the STAR Awards website to find out more:
The theme of this year’s STAR Awards is ‘sparkle’ and learner performances will be expected to tie into this theme. Past performances have included a wide variety of talents from dance and dramatic performing arts to electrical games and theatrical make-up design. The 2008 Sparkle Auditions will be looking for a similar variety of entries.
Time is now running out for nominations for the 2008 STAR Awards. Nominations close on 6 June.
To be eligible for an award, nominees must work in England in a place that is not a school or university. Their organisation or workplace or the programme they help to deliver must either be fully or partly funded by the Learning and Skills Council (LSC).
Making a nomination is simple and only takes a few moments: just visit
http://staraward.qia.org.uk and follow three simple steps. You can also contact the QIA STAR Awards team on 0845 225 4523 or by email at
[email protected]