Looking Back on the Year Gone By with SkillsActive and FE Ne
2005 saw the Further Education sector expand further than ever, with the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) budget for FE expected to grow even further to an estimated £10.4 billion in 2006.
For those keeping an eye on events, 2005 certainly did not disappoint. Whether it was industrial action for pay and funding equality, curricular disputes and the annual “A” Level critique, or the recognition of excellence in a sector tasked with providing the skilled workforce for both the 2012 Olympics and the economy through to 2020 and beyond, there was more than enough activity to maintain enthusiastic support.
In keeping with our series looking at various different sector heads views of 2005 and hopes for 2006, we at FE News are delighted that Stephen Studd, the Chief Executive of SkillsActive (the Sector Skills Council [SSC] for Active Leisure and Learning) was able to offer us his thoughts and recollections of 2005.
Development and Neglect
Question: “What was the most significant development for FE in your opinion in 2005?”
Stephen: “The announcement of the qualifications reform through the new framework for achievement, potentially making the qualifications more flexible/relevant to employers needs.”
Question: “What was the area of FE that you feel has been neglected this year?”
Stephen: “The development of the Centre of Vocational Excellence (CoVE) network ““ this has only progressed in a few regions.”
Not a Funny Time
Question: “What has been your proudest moment of the year?”
Stephen: “The pilot brokerage service provided by Coleg Glan Hafren in Wales, brokering training provision for employers and FE.”
Question: “What was the funniest memory from FE ““ work or otherwise – from this year?”
Stephen: “Hmm a tough one as we”ve had some funding issues with our sector in certain areas, so not much humour really!”
Once again, FE news would like to thank Mr. Studd for his contribution and would like to wish him all the best for 2006.
Jethro Marsh
What should SkillsActive hope for in 2006? Tell us in theFE Blog