New “win-win” project from CEL and UNISON
A new training programme has been released for support staff who have traditionally received insufficient training to help boost morale and workplace commitment.
The Centre for Excellence in Leadership (CEL) and UNISON have collaborated on a new suite of training courses which will be available in further education colleges across the country. The project, which is designed for staff at all levels, incorporates short management courses as well as those covering skills for life.
Dave Prentis, UNISON’s General Secretary said: “We are delighted to be working with CEL on a project that we see as a win-win for staff and employers. We hope that we will find progressive colleges that will work with us to deliver the programme”.
The programme recognises the need to enable staff to make steady progress and provides a model for helping them to prepare for senior positions. UNISON and CEL also hope it will reach black and minority ethnic staff that might otherwise be reluctant to go on courses.
CEL chief executive Lynne Sedgmore said: “CEL’s remit is to provide leadership development across the sector, at all levels, and we are very pleased to be working with UNISON on this excellent initiative”.
“We recognise the importance of leadership in support roles and that wider development opportunities in this area will benefit not only the individuals but also their learners, organisations and the sector as a whole,” she added.
Annabel Hardy.