New LSIS programme to accredit FE quality champions
The Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS) has launched a new programme to recognise, support and celebrate the further education professionals driving quality improvement.
The new Quality Champions Accreditation Programme will commence in January 2009 to start as the sector moves towards self-regulation, supported by LSIS. It will run for one year, and will include workshops, opportunities for networking and a significant work-based research project. Participants who complete the programme will have their learning accredited, at either level 5 or level 7, by the Institute of Leadership and Management for the award of the Certificate in Learning Quality Improvement.
Roger McClure, Chief Executive of LSIS, said: "I’m very pleased that the first new programme to be introduced by the Learning and Skills Improvement Service should be the Quality Champions Accreditation Programme. It celebrates with a significant award, the transformational work done by quality improvement champions in the sector and enhances their further development.
"I hope that selection for the programme will quickly become much-prized recognition of the influence of such key managers in the sector."
Only recently formed, LSIS combines the best aspects of the Centre for Excellence in Leadership (CEL) and the Quality Improvement Agency (QIA), but now holds the sector as a key partner too.
The Quality Champions Accreditation Programme forms one of the many ground-breaking programmes developed by the LSIS as it strives for excellence in the FE sector, and continues the innovative work introduced by the former Adult Learning Inspectorate (ALI). The scheme is hoped to become a significant resource at the heart of the self-regulated sector – continuously effecting change, securing improvement and boosting standards.