New qualifications framework to promote mobility
The Sector Skills Development Agency (SSDA) has endorsed the announcement of proposals to implement a Europe-wide qualifications framework, as reported on by FE News last Friday.
SSDA spokesperson Alex Curling commented: “The Sector Skills Development Agency very much welcomes the proposals to create a European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning as recently unveiled by the European Commission.
“The EQF will set out a common cross-EU recognition system that describes what an individual knows regardless of where their qualifications were obtained. This will be extremely helpful for employers wanting to recruit from other European countries as well as for people wanting to apply for jobs abroad.
“For the first time there will be transparency and rather than having to come to grips with a bewildering array of different qualification titles employers will be able to judge whether a prospective employee has achieved learning outcomes required for a particular job. It will promote mobility for learning or working.
“Learning outcomes are of course key to the new “specialised” diplomas that are being developed by the Skills for Business network of Sector Skills Councils (SSC’s) in England, in partnership with the Department for Education and Skills (DfES) and the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA). Partnerships of colleges, providers and schools will start to deliver the first five diplomas from 2008. These diplomas will provide learning opportunities for young people that meet the needs of employers in particular sectors.
“At the same time the Skills for Business network is fully engaged with the vocational qualification reform programme, which will help define the needs of employers in adult vocational qualification development, providing a transparent whole of qualifications that will meet economic and therefore employer needs”.
Vijay Pattni.